The series follows the eponymous foursome of wannabe criminal teens living in the Muscogee Nation. Elora (Devery Jacobs, Mohawk) tends to end up as their leader by default of being the most level-headed. Bear (D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Oji-Cree) is an impulsive fuck-up who’s trying hard not to be, often chafing against his single mother’s attempts to steer him right. Tomboy Wille Jack’s (Paulina Alexis, Alexis Nakota Sioux) fun-loving and cheerfully foul-mouthed exterior masks a deep sense of grief and uncertainty about her direction in life. And sweet-natured Cheese (Lane Factor, Creek-Seminole and Caddo), who almost always introduces himself by stating his pronouns, does his best to keep the peace and stay upbeat. Bored out of their skulls in rural Oklahoma, the Rez Dogs dream of hustling enough money to leave for California.