As this regimen follows a five-day-on, two-days-off cycle, trainees typically plug it into weekdays and rest on the weekends. While five days of pull-up training probably sounds a little extreme, Major Armstrong discovered that cycles of regularity followed by rest was the best recipe for (a) cresting the initial “tear down” period (wherein the body gets a little fatigued/weaker at the outset) and (b) avoiding plateaus as the weeks drag on.
To the latter point: you’re also not just walking up to a pull-up bar and doing the same exact number of reps, at the same level of intensity each day. Armstrong designed the program to continually “shock” the body, interweaving a mix of maximum efforts, low-rep counts and varying grips. The cadence in full:
As this sort of regimen is self-selecting, those who are drawn to it are probably training their bodies in some other capacity — conventional strength training, rowing, cycling, what have you. But be careful. It’s extremely important that you don’t overtrain your back muscles, as they’re already shredded from their workday workload.
As for those who traditionally follow a “push-pull” lifting routine, it might feel imbalanced to suddenly devote so much time to pull movements and muscles. Well, Major Armstrong being Major Armstrong, he had a solve for that. Each morning, he’d devote his time and energy to another infamous bodyweight exercise. In his words:
“After rising, I would drop onto the deck and do my first set of push-ups. I would then move into the head and start my morning toilet. I would return after a few minutes and do my second maximum effort set after which, I would go back into the head to shave. After shaving, I would return to the bedroom and complete the third and final set. Having completed all of the push-ups, I was awake and ready for a relaxing shower. ”
These were maximum effort sets of push-ups, by the way, which Armstrong swore by in order to build strength in the shoulders and help alleviate soreness from all the pull-ups. Take note: your work capacity in push-ups doesn’t have a direct carryover to pull-ups. So if the idea of knocking out an extra push-ups workout each morning is too daunting, skip it. You’re here for the pull-ups.
As for the pull-ups themselves, it’s critical that you choose a reasonable rep number for your training sets and always observe proper form. (It’s critical to lead with your chest, shift your elbows forward slightly as you pull yourself up and engage the force of your grip inward, which will activate the chest.) Don’t relax into dead hangs, if you can avoid it. Loosening the shoulders at the bottom, “unpacked” portion of the movement puts a lot of pressure on their stability…something that’s especially risky if you have a history of injury. (If worried about that, consider performing these on wooden rings, which will move and twist with you.)
The lightest possible training day within this paradigm would be Wednesday. For a trainee who’s defined their training set as one rep, Wednesday would only call for nine reps total. Still, that day requires a variety of challenging grips, which…isn’t nothing. Some of the other days, meanwhile, will require far more reps than that. And by the end of a week, you could be looking at dozens upon dozens — if not over a hundred — of pull-ups, total.
What’s your reward for all those pull-ups? Beyond colossal gains for your back muscles, your grip strength and your sheer mettle, the main reward is a newfound capacity to do a lot of pull-ups — ideally to the tune of 20 reps per set. That’s it. It’s the sort of goal that only seems dubious until you set out to achieve it. And it’s a reminder that some of the most impressive things you can achieve with your body don’t require much tutelage or fancy tools. A PDF and an iron bar can get you in the most functional shape of your life.