Letter from the Editor

By The Editors
September 2, 2014 9:00 am EDT

To begin, a brief word on this weekend’s Nude Celeb Photo Kerfuffle.

If you’ve been living under a WiFi-less rock, an anonymous hacker posted stolen nude pics of Jennifer Lawrence and a reel’s worth of other female celebrities.

This is an icky thing. Searching for and viewing these pics is like playing Minesweeper with your own morality.¹

Other, more august publications have discussed the relevant scruples — I recommend Jessica Valenti’s piece in The Atlantic.

So I’ll just leave this here, and we’ll move on:

Now, as you read this, we’re hard at work prepping for several fall projects which, forgive me for saying so, are pretty great.

A Note on Success
September is about getting back to work. In service of that notion, we’ll be debuting the results of our success survey next week. We’ve compared men’s attitudes on success across generations. It’s interesting stuff. Stay tuned.

Fall Previews
I’m also looking forward to our annual Fall TV and Movie Preview from National Editor Kirk Miller (if you don’t receive the Nation Edition, you can sign up right here).

On his short list: the film Interstellar, in which Chris Nolan directs Matthew McConaughey as, appropriately, a space cadet. 

And on our reading list: The Bone Clocks, from David Mitchell, debuting today

(I also recommend Mitchell’s ’04 sextet, Cloud Atlas, as much as I recommend ignoring the beshitted movie version, in which Tom Hanks plays a post-apocalyptic Forrest Gump.)

Fall Style
Photographer Neave Bozorgi — who did an excellent job shooting our Spring Style Issue — arrives from L.A. next week to begin work on the fall edition of the same.

He’ll be working with our New York Editor, Danny Agnew, and shooting at the Urban Cowboy B&B (Mr. Agnew covered the opening in May).

I’m excited to see the photos, and not just because they’ll be featuring the bright blonde locks of both Isabella Farrell and Joy Corrigan.

Below, you’ll find some of my favorites from our recent coverage. Enjoy.

Steve Bryant
Executive Editor

Status Symbols, Ranked
As he builds a career and competes to earn the attention of women and envy of friends, a man must find more refined ways to say “neener, neener, neener.” Those ways: Status Symbols, Ranked. We’ve got versions for New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and the Nation. Enjoy.

Outstanding Emmy Infographics
In celebration of the befuddled state of our beloved national pastime, we present InsideHook’s 1st Annual Outstanding Emmys Infographics, a series of charts and pictures that reveal how time (and the boob tube) is definitely a flat circle. Enjoy.

Fantasy Fantasy Football
In which we draft the best possible football team comprised entirely of fictional football players from the movies. Be advised that, like real fantasy football pundits, we don’t have any idea what we’re talking about. Check it out.

Your Premier League Guide
Keep the World Cup momentum rolling with Where Are They Now?, our guide to your favorite World Cup players and who they’re playing for in the Barclay’s Premier League on this season. Check it out.

¹ It may seem hypocritical, to some, for a men’s magazine — one which occasionally promotes lingerie brands and erotic photography — to moralize about stolen nude photos. It’s not. The reason is consent. Stolen photos are a form of revenge porn — here’s an explainer from Vox and continuing coverage from xoJane — and they traffic in humiliation. It’s all very egregious and grody.


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