An Ancient Swiss Town Has Decided to Turn Itself Into One Big Hotel

The 12 remaining townspeople see it as the only way to survive

October 15, 2018 9:00 am

This sounds like the plot of a great airplane movie.

The Swiss town of Corippo (it’s right on the Italian border) has dwindled to just 12 citizens, 11 of whom are over the age of 65. (No senior citizen discounts here.)

Without intervention, the mountain town could soon disappear completely — which is why local foundation Fondazione Crippo 1975 wants to turn it into one big “scattered hotel.”

How exactly would that work? The only restaurant in town would become a mess hall, the main square and church would become communal spaces and 30 of the town’s 70 buildings would be gutted and refurbished for guests. Local leaders are hoping the project — combined with draws like verdant valley scenery and food as authentic as you could ever want — will usher in visitors with deep pockets and maybe even convince a couple or two to stay (that’s how the movie ends, by the way).

Find more information on the plan here, and plan ahead for your stay in 2020. 

Image from Tuscino Turismo


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