Spirit In the Sky

A new means for sipping whisky in space

By The Editors
September 10, 2015 9:00 am

Good news for those rolling in first class of the Virgin Galactic.

Sour news for the cadets soaring around with Suntory’s space hooch (since they’re not allowed to touch a drop).

Ballantine’s and Open Space Agency just teamed up on the Space Glass, a 3D-printed, zero-gravity tumbler designed for savoring whisky in the great interstellar.

The glass sits on a spiral-convex, rose gold-plated stainless steel base that allows liquids to maintain surface tension in microgravity environments.

Says James Parr, founder of OSA:

“There are only 350 people that have ever visited space, but over the next decade or so this is going to explode with spectatorism and private space travel. It’s not just about engineering. It’s not just about function. Now we have to design for acidics, for connoisseurship.”

The next logical step for any galactic blend master is a microgravity test. Ballantine’s crafted a new, “more concentrated” whisky as part of the project, as flavors tend to be dumbed down in space.

Needless to say, these men take their libations seriously.

Helmet’s off to ‘em.


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